The Digitally Handcrafted Zr Bridge: Complete Workflow From Design to Glaze
About your trainer: Joao Paulo Martins Esturrado
Joao gained his first position as a Dental Technician in a fully digital dental laboratory in Lisbon in 2000. This first appointment introduced him to in the world of Digital Dentistry early in his career and marked the start of his love for digital workflows and cutting-edge dental technology.
In 2001 he joined forces with a Dental Practice in the Algarve which gave him the opportunity to continue to expand his knowledge of digital workflows, build his experience and skills in ceramics, and which led to a special interest in full mouth rehabilitation with immediate loading All On X cases.
Joao moved to London in 2013 where he secured appointments which enabled him to continue to focus on building his expertise and feed his passion for Digital Dentistry and Ceramics.
In 2020 Joao seized the opportunity to become co-owner of London Digital Lab which provided the freedom to design and manage a laboratory centred around digital technologies and modern ceramic materials such as the Initial One SQIN system (GC). Joao’s dedication to perfecting his skills, choice of materials, techniques, and workflows, has resulted in his ability to consistently deliver outstanding aesthetics to his customers whilst maximising efficiencies and product performance.
He is keen to share his learnings and knowledge with fellow technicians and clinicians alike via webinars and hands on courses and is an Opinion Leader for GC.
When & Where

Date & Time: TBC

Location: TBC

Duration: 1 day, 8 hours

Admission: TBC

Joao Paulo Martins Esturrado
08:30 - Arrival and Registration
09:00 - GC Zirconia Digital workflow and material philosophy
10:30 - Bridge Design with EXOCAD
13:00 - Lunch
14:00 - Bridge Design with EXOCAD
16:00 - Hand On Zirconia Carving
16:30 - Hand on GC Initial Colouring Liquids
17:00 - End of day 1
08:45 - Arrival and Registration
09:00 - Post- sintering results evaluation
09:30 - Initial IQ ONE SQIN Concept Demonstration
10:00 - Hands-On Initial IQ ONE SQIN System - Internal characterisation with Initial Lustre Paste One & Initial Spectrum Stains
11:00 - Hands-On Initial IQ ONE SQIN System - Microlayering with Initial IQ One SQIN Ceramics
12:30 - Lunch Break
13:30 - Hands-On Initial IQ ONE SQIN System - Microlayering with Initial IQ One SQIN Ceramics
16:30 - Evaluation on the results Q&A & CPD Certificates
17:00 - Finish and farewell
14 hours CPD Learning Outcome C
Please bring your Zr finishing tools of preference - burrs, brushes etc.
Course Aims:

The digital approach to achieve a functional, highly individualised Zr anterior bridge with gum via micro-layering
To complete the end to end process from design to glaze in theory and practice
Hands-on EXOCAD-learn the key design requirements to optimise the design for a highly aesthetic micro-layered finish using GC Initial ONE SQIN Concept
Theory and practical application of carving and colouring zirconia in RAW state
Learn and practice Joao’s step by step approach to micro-layering to create optimal 3D effects & natural aesthetics
Tried and Tested Tricks and tips
Discussions on the importance of material selection for successful aesthetics and performance
Course Objectives:

Learn and understand advanced d igital design of an anterior bridge (EXOCAD) and deliver an aesthetic and functional restoration design to provide the optimal foundation for microlayered aesthetics
Understand the critical success factors and options for characterisation for each step of the workflow
Learn the impact of design on the final outcome
Gain tried and tested tips and tricks throughout each step of the workflow for consistent aesthetic results – design, milling, carving, material application/technique, firing schedules etc
Hands-on Carving and Zr coloring liquid technique on a ZR bridge in RAW stage, the best approach to ONE Disc Zirconia from GC
Learn and practice and understand to recreate the 3D effects and the latest micro- layering technique with GC’s Initial ONE SQIN concept
Gain the knowledge and confidence required to introduce this workflow into your lab
Course fee - TBC
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